Google Play fa pública una nova versió de l’app: Eclipsi Calculator

Eclipsi Calculator 2.0 Enallç :  Eclipsi Calculator 2.0 és una app per calcular i simular diferents esdeveniments astronòmics. Una eina pels amants de l’astronomia que permet conèixer d’una forma simple les circumstàncies generals i locals dels eclipsis de Sol i de Lluna, així com dels trànsits planetaris. Es tracta de la nova versió de Eclipse Calculator, publicada al desembre de 2012. Ara amb moltes més funcions.  

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Gaia’s snapshot of another galaxy (ESA, 20 April 2017)

Gaia’s snapshot of another galaxy Link: While compiling an unprecedented census of one billion stars in our Galaxy, ESA’s Gaia mission is also surveying stars beyond our Milky Way. A new image of M33, also known as the Triangulum galaxy, shows tens of thousands of stars detected by Gaia, including a small stellar census in its star-forming region NGC 604. This is a striking example of the mission’s potential to detect and characterise stars in nearby galaxies. Gaia’s view of the M33 galaxy. Credit:...

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Final GENIUS meeting in Brussels (19 April 2017)

Final GENIUS meeting in Brussels Last April 19 the final review meeting of GENIUS ( took place at the Research Executive Agency (EC) in Brussels. After explaining all the achievements and success of the project, designed to boost the impact of Gaia, the team formed by 13 nodes in 9 countries received warm congratulations from the reviewer and the Project Officer. “GENIUS has opened the box of Gaia” in the words of the reviewer.

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La misión Gaia y la historia de nuestra galaxia

Title: La misión Gaia y la historia de nuestra galaxia Authors: Carme Jordi, Eduard Masana Journal: Investigación y Ciencia, núm 487, abril 2017 Link:   La misión Gaia y la historia de nuestra galaxia La mayor cámara jamás enviada al espacio determinará con una precisión extraordinaria las posiciones, distancias, movimientos y propiedades de más de mil millones de estrellas de la Vía Láctea. ¿Por qué es tan importante este proyecto? Jordi, Carme Masana,...

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Gender on Gaia DPAC (6 April, 2017)

Gender on Gaia DPAC Thursday, 6 April, 2017 Link to the web: Home / News / Gender on Gaia DPAC The number of women entering the sciences and earning degrees is increasing in all fields but one: computer science. Despite progress, the under representation of women continues to be a problem in all narrow fields of science and engineering, except life science. The average of the International Astronomical Union statistics for 2015 is a 16% of female permanent positions in astronomy. Women remain severely underrepresented within the sub-field of...

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