


Large area IR surveys have largely contributed to our understanding of the Milky Way, and, in particular of its bulge and central regions. In this sense the census provided by Gaia has to be complemented with IR data. Nonetheless the complete picture will be only given by spectroscopic surveys providing chemical as well as dynamical information. MIRADAS@GTC will provide this kind of data. We participate in the definition of the MIRADAS science goals, in the section devoted to define the synergies between Gaia and MIRADAS. Science is focused to characterize kinematic and chemistry for the internal components of the galactic disc, the bar/bars and the bulge.



We have participated in the definition of the WEAVE/WHT science case (first version January, 2012), in particular in two sections: “Galactic Bar Kinematics and Stellar Abundances” – in collaboration with REG-G8 (IAC, MPE, UNAM, Groningen) – and in “Ultra-faint dwarfs and highly-stripped galaxies”, in collaboration with (IAC, UNAM, CIDA).



ARES (Astronomical mid-REsolution Spectrograph) is a fiber-fed optical spectrograph, placed in a dedicated room at the OAdM observatory ground-flour. The main scientific programs that can be carried out with ARES involve the observation of relatively bright stars at medium spectral resolution.