
The experience of our group at the University of Barcelona (IEEC – ICCUB) in the space sector begins with the satellite Hipparcos (1989-1993). Our group has contributed since its inception in the concept of the Gaia mission and design. Our team has a major role leading the archive of the mission and in the development of the simulations, the core data processing and the photometric data from the mission.

The team consists of around 25 people, including scientists and engineers, ranging from software development to data management, its monitoring and scientific validation nd exploitation. The Data Processing Center of Barcelona, also led by our team, coordinates the operation of the heaviest part of the reduction of operational data in the Marenostrum (Barcelona Supercomputing Center BSC-CNS) and CSUC.




Anders, Friedrich

fanders (at)


701 (new building)

Antoja, Teresa

tantoja (at)


701 (new building)

Ardèvol, Judith

jardevol (at)


V752 (old building)

Asano, Tetsuro

tasano (at)


710 (new building)

Balaguer-Núñez, Lola

lbalaguer (at)


709 (new building)

Bartolomé, Sergi

sbartolome (at)


04A02 (PCB)

Bernet, Marcel

mbernet (at)


V752 (Old building)

Boix, Fabià

boix (at)


709 (new building)

Carbajo Hijarrubia, Juan

juan636 (at)


V725 (old building)

Carrasco, Josep Manel

carrasco (at)


V722 (old building)

Castañeda, Javier

jcastapo (at)


04A01 (PCB)

Donada, Judit

jdonada (at)


720 (old building)

Fabricius, Claus

claus (at)



V710I (ICC)

04A06 (PCB)

Figueras, Cesca

cesca (at)


714 (new building)

Garcia i Serrano, Aniol



04A1 (PCB)

Gregori, Victor

victorgregori (at)


04A1 (PCB)

Jiménez Arranz, Óscar

ojimenez (at)


V752 (Old building)

Jordi, Carme

carme (at)


710 (new building)

Luri, F.Xavier

xluri (at)


713 (new building)

Malhotra, Sagar

sagar (at)


729 (new building)

Masana, Eduard

emasana (at)


709 (new building)

Masip, Albert

amasip (at)


04A05 (PCB)

Padois, Chloé

chloe.padois (at)


720 (old building)

Portell, Jordi

jportell (at)


04A04 (PCB)

Qin, Songmei



720 (old building)

Ribas, Salvador

sjribas (at)


V714I (ICC)

Romero, Mercè

mromero (at)


715 (new building)

Schölch, Marie

marie.schoelch (at)


V720 (old building)

Semczuk, Marcin

msemczuk (at)


710 (new building)

Torra, Ferran

ftorra (at)


04A02 (PCB)

Villar, Elia



04A02 (PCB)

Weiler, Michael

mweiler (at)


V722 (old building)




Left us…
Went to…
Abedi, Hoda on February 2015 work in IT, London (UK)
Anglada, Guillem on 2008 Queen Mary University (UK)
Antiche, Erika on February 2016 work in IT, London (UK)
Barneo, Pablo on 2022 at the Virgo group
Batallé, Dafnis on 2010 work in IT
Blagorodnova, Nadejda on 2011 back to Barcelona en 2022
Borrachero, Raul on October 2017 work in IT, Barcelona (Spain)
Cantat, Tristan on 2021 work in University of Heidelberg, MPIA, Germany
Casamiquela, Laia on September 2023 Observatoire de Paris (France)
Castellà, Feliu on 2012 work in IT, Barcelona
Castro, Alfred on 2021 work at University of Leiden, Netherlands
Castro, Pau on 2019 work with mobile apps, Barcelona
Clotet, Marcial on November 2017 work in IT, Barcelona (Spain)
Conejero, David on 2007 Barcelona (Spain)
Dueñas, Sergi on 2016 work in IT, Barcelona (Spain)
Farras, Marti on 2016 work in IT, Barcelona (Spain)
Fries, Aidan on October 2012 work in IT, Barcelona (Spain)
Garcia, Albert on 2021 work in IT, Barcelona
Gallardo, Eva on January 2014 work in IT, Heildelberg (Germany)
Garralda, Nora on June 2017 work in IT, Barcelona (Spain)
Gonzalez, Juanjo on Oct 2018 work in IT, Barcelona (Spain)
Gurpide, Andres on 2015 work in IT, Barcelona (Spain)
Herrero, Enrique on October 2014 ICE, UAB-IEEC (Spain)
Isasi, Yago on 2011 work in IT
Izquierdo, Javier on may 2023 work in IT (Barcelona)
Julbe, Francesc on January 2018 work in Big Data and Information Technologies
Lauwaert, Felix on January 2018 work in IT, Barcelona (Spain)
López, Belen on 2008 work in Madrid (Spain)
Luengo, Cristina on February 2018 work in Genomics Research
Marín, Daniel on 2021 doing a PhD in Barcelona
Martínez, Oscar on 2011 work in IT (Barcelona)
Madrero, Pau on February 2019 work as Data Scientist at FC Barcelona
Miret, Núria on September 2017 Observatoire de Bordeaux (France)
Molina, Daniel on 2021 work in IT at the University of Barcelona
Monguió, Maria on December 2024 Dribia (Barcelona)
Mor, Roger on December 2020 Pervasive-tech (Barcelona)
Palmer, Max on January 2015 work in IT, London (UK)
Peñalosa, Xavi on November 2019 work in IT, Ireland
Peralta, Jordi on 2010 work in IT, Barcelona
Ramos, Pau on March 2023 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Roca, Santi on July 2015 Lund University
Saez, Albert on October 2022 IT (Barcelona)
Sagristà, Toni on November 2013 ARI, Heildelberg (Germany)
Sanchez, Victor on October 2020 University of Luxemburg
Soria, Sergio on May 2019 continue working on Big Data at water management

Torra, Jordi

on February 2019 RIP
Valles, Pau on 2012 work in IT, Barcelona
Voss, Hölger on January 2017 Germany
Zaldua, Iñigo on 2007 in IT