“One Billion Eyes For One Billion Stars”: Exhibition Available

  “One Billion Eyes For One Billion Stars” The exhibition (in English, Spanish and Catalan) produced by the Barcelona team to explain Gaia for all audiences. Now updated with five new panels about the Second Gaia Data Release and available online. Available online in four languages: English, Spanish, Catalan and German   See digital exhibition here!  

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Gaia Mission App Updated!!!

Delivering interesting and scientifically accurate information to the general public is a challenge. The Gaia Mission app is an interactive application for mobile devices designed to discover the details of the Gaia mission. All aspects of the mission are covered, from technical issues to the science behind it. The application is designed to keep users engaged during the whole mission and build interest on the mission achievements while stimulating enthusiasm for astronomy.   iOS and Android support for both phones and tablets   Combined, the two platforms capture 96% global market...

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Gaia mission at Barcelona International Comic Fair

Gaia mission will be present in the next Barcelona International Comic Fair “Saló del Còmic” (16-19 April 2015) with the talk “Misión Gaia: imágenes para crear el mapa de la galaxia” by Xavi Luri and Josep Manel Carrasco on 18th April, at 18:30h in the conference room 2, at the first floor. http://ficomic.com/noticias.cfm/id/15061/esp/la-conquista-espacio-llega-salon-comic.htm

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Solar eclipse 2015 (Lletra Lligada, Ràdio 4 RNE, 16 Mar 2015)

Radio: “Lletra lligada”, Radio 4 (RNE) Title: “Preguntes sobre l’eclipsi parcial de Sol” Webpage: RTVE.es Publication date: 16 March 2015   “Preguntes sobre l’eclipsi parcial de Sol” Interview to Josep Manel Carrasco about the solar eclipse of 20th March 2015 in the Radio show “Lletra lligada”, Ràdio 4 (RNE). MP3: LletraLligada-Radio4-JMC-EclipsiSol-20150316  

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“El director del proyecto Gaia aboga por devolver el conocimiento a la sociedad” (Eldiario.es, 1 Mar 2015)

Newspaper: Eldiario.es Title: “El director del proyecto Gaia aboga por devolver el conocimiento a la sociedad” Webpage: Eldiario.es Publication date: 1 March 2015   El director del proyecto Gaia aboga por devolver el conocimiento a la sociedad EFE – Almería 01/03/2015 – 12:16h El director del proyecto Gaia aboga por devolver el conocimiento a la sociedad El catedrático de Astronomía y Astrofísica de la Universidad de Barcelona y director del grupo español del proyecto Gaia, Jordi Torra, aboga por devolver conocimiento a los ciudadanos, a través de la...

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