GaiaXPy and Gaia spectrophotometry

With Gaia Data Release 3, low resolution spectra (BP i RP) will be published for the first time as a set of coefficients. To facilitate users of the Gaia DR3 BP/RP spectral data, a Python library, GaiaXPy, has been developed offering a set of tools operating on data as served by the Gaia archive. This tool is able to generate spectra in the internal, instrumental reference system or in the absolute reference system of the satellite. Moreover, GaiaXPy is also able to generate synthetic photometry in different filters from Gaia spectra.

Josep Manel Carrasco has elaborated this video (Spanish with subtitles in English) to show how to use GaiaXPy with the small random selection of 1000 BP/RP spectra published to enable the community to familiarise itself with this new data product and tool.