Carme Jordi “Gaia alerta de asteroides desconocidos” (El Pais, 30 Jun 15)

  Media: El Pais Title: CARME JORDI: “Gaia alerta de asteroides desconocidos” Webpage: Publication date: 30 June 2015   CARME JORDI: “Gaia alerta de asteroides desconocidos” Hoy, a un millón y medio de kilómetros de la Tierra, hay una cámara de 1.000 megapíxeles registrando todo lo que pasa a su alrededor. Se trata de la misión Gaia, un telescopio dotado con el sistema de imagen digital más preciso que se ha enviado nunca al espacio y cuya misión es determinar el lugar exacto que ocupa nuestro sistema solar dentro...

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CARME JORDI: “Gaia ya ha cubierto el cielo completo” (IAC, 23 Jun 2015)

Media: IAC (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias) Title: CARME JORDI: “Gaia ya ha cubierto el cielo completo” Webpage: Publication date: 23 June 2015   CARME JORDI: “Gaia ya ha cubierto el cielo completo” La astrónoma participa en el simposio sobre “Primera Ciencia con Gaia” en el marco de EWASS 2015 Carme Jordi es astrónoma en la Universitat de Barcelona y miembro del Gaia Science Team, el equipo que se encarga de los aspectos científicos de la misión Gaia de la Agencia Espacial Europea. El satélite Gaia,...

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Gaia mission at Barcelona International Comic Fair

Gaia mission will be present in the next Barcelona International Comic Fair “Saló del Còmic” (16-19 April 2015) with the talk “Misión Gaia: imágenes para crear el mapa de la galaxia” by Xavi Luri and Josep Manel Carrasco on 18th April, at 18:30h in the conference room 2, at the first floor.

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“El mapa estel·lar de la via làctia” (Càpsules de ciència, TV3, 25 nov 2014)

Media: Càpsules de ciència (TV3) Date: 25 Nov 2014

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Gaia discovers its first supernova

  Date: 12 September 2014 Original link: ESA webpage While scanning the sky to measure the positions and movements of stars in our Galaxy, Gaia has discovered its first stellar explosion in another galaxy far, far away.   This powerful event, now named Gaia14aaa, took place in a distant galaxy some 500 million light-years away, and was revealed via a sudden rise in the galaxy’s brightness between two Gaia observations separated by one month.   Gaia, which began its scientific work on 25 July, repeatedly scans the entire sky, so that each of the roughly one billion stars in the...

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Videos explaining Gaia mission and the Spanish participation

The video The Gaia mission shows the Spanish participation on the project. The video is split in five sections, and explains the details of the Gaia mission, with spectacular 3D animations and interviews with Spanish experts working on the mission. The video was created by our team with the collaboration of others Spanish teams involved in Gaia. This video won a “Ciencia en Acción” prize in 2013. Also available in Catalan and Spanish at and in our YouTube.       The Gaia mission. Spanish participation Gaia, the satellite Spanish scientific contribution...

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