Holger Voss


hvoss (at)fqa.ub.edu

Webpage: http://hvossgaia.wordpress.com

Office number: V709 (7th floor new Physics Building)

Telephone number: +34 93 402 11 26

Task: GAIA-CU5 (Photometric calibration), Payload Expert


Dr. Holger Voss is a researcher involved in the calibration of photometric and spectrophotometric data in CU5 Gaia DPAC. He studied physics at the Free University of Berlin and received his doctorate at the Technical University of Berlin developed a search from land transits of extrasolar planets (Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope) for the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in support of the space mission CoRoT.

He is currently involved in internal calibration internal Gaia photometric data in the G band and the selection of stars photometric standards. It also helps in characterizing the instrument and determination of parameters for data management on board.

It also contributes to the process of data validation before they are published.

He is actively contributes to public disclosure by communication tools and social networking activities with model rockets.


Most relevant publications: