Raul Borrachero


rborrachero (at)fqa.ub.edu

Office number: 04A05 (4th floor, D tower, Parc Científic de Barcelona)

Telephone number: +34 93 403 98 45

Task: GAIA-CU2 (Simulations)



Raúl Borrachero is a software engineer involved in CU2 and DPCB unit simulations. He studied computer systems engineering in the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya. He is currently developing and maintaining the Gaia Object Generator and Gaia Analisys Tool (GAT), along with other team members of the CU2 unit in Barcelona. GOG simulates the end mission and additonal spectroscopy to use by reseach teams in different CUs of DPAC units to develop and adjust their calibrations and models. In addition, GAT is used for data extraction and output validation GOC and Besançon Universe Model generated GaiaSimu, another simulator CU2. In addition to its use for validation and operations CU9. It is also involved in maintaining the dynamic Attitude Model GaiaSimu simulator integrated into generator. And in development tasks CU9 data mining.