Summary of activities June 2014 - August 2014

100 - Management

  • Organization of monthly telecons: 4-July 2014

200 - User community

  • Grainne Costigan did a comparison of the use cases in AB-026 to the current requirements specification for the archive.
  • Conclusions were presented and discussed during the CU9 plenary meeting on July 7.
  • The results were written up as a technical note which is under review by CU9.
  • Yamada visited National Astronomical Observatory Japan for discussing requirement of Nano-JASMINE / Gaia publication from Japanese astrometric community in Jun 2014, and reported results in CU9 plenary meeting on July 2014.

300 - System design

Staff involved and effort expended (Full-Time Equivalent):

  • UEDIN: Hambly (0.15) Morris (0.65) Voutsinas (0.65)
  • INAF-OATs: Molinaro (0.15) Smareglia 0.15) Butora (0.5 from June 1st 2014)

Work done:

  • (T3.1) Organised coordination telecon with INAF-OATs (July 21st 2014): VO-Dance developments reaffirmed as per original GENIUS proposal
  • (T3.1) Represented GENIUS system design team at CU9 Plenary / GENIUS Consortium meeting in Vienna (7/8th July 2014)
  • (T3.1) Drafted archive System Requirements Document
  • (T3.3) INAF-OATs team continuing development of VO-Dance for
    • generic TAP functionality
    • deployment testing at OATo Data Centre
    • enhancements/development of a Virtual Appliance out-of-the-box deployable application.
  • UEDIN team continuing development of
    • (T3.4) Distributed Query Processing generic design: final draft Interface Coordination agreement (ICD) now with ESAC-SAT for their comments and agreement
    • (T3.4) Proposing some enhancements to IVOA ADQL standard for commonly implemented, but as yet not adopted, SQL features for server side processing in scale-out situations
    • (T3.2) Working on enhancements to Gaia CU9 Data Modelling UI application to aid in CU9 interface control:
      • Following agreement with DPAC CU1 in Vienna, enhancing tool to output all encapsulated information in the form of Javadoc to facilitate doclet parsing into GACS including translation of latex markup into html since the former is extensively used by data modellers
      • Finalising unit testing of new features
  • (T3.3) UEDIN developers attended IVOA meeting at ESAC and liaised with ESAC-SAT members
  • (T3.1) UEDIN management continuing to contribute to CU9 archive prototype data model from a systems design perspective



400 - Data Exploitation

500 - Scientific Validation

510-Technical coordination

  • Simplification of software template (June) - Arenou
  • S. Boudreault (520) will leave the project end of August. Announcements of job opening has been done since end of July.

520-Definition of problem cases, validation scenarios and tools

  • In VTS document GAIA-C9-SP-OPM-FA-061 ; fields checked for each VTS, some TBDs and question marks removed, VTS WP942-430-040 changed to WP942-430-050, VTS WP942-430-030 divided in VTS WP942-430-030 and VTS WP942-430-040, new VTS WP942-230-010 about binaries (June 2014) - Boudreault
  • Developing codes for VTS ; JUnits using DBTestTable (June 2014) - Boudreault
  • New summer student (Clément Viard) working on the bright stars issue, under the supervision of SB and FA (May 2014) - Arenou, Boudreault, Viard
  • Writing Mantis issues 0027618 (June 2014) - Boudreault
  • Teleconferences on VTS (June 2014) - Antiche, Arenou, Boudreault, Fabricius, Romero-Gomez

  • In VTS document GAIA-C9-SP-OPM-FA-061 ; moving some text from the "Objectives" section to the "Procedure" section for the VTS in WP942, and some rewriting done in "Input data (with errors) used for tests" for several VTS in WP942 (July 2014) - Boudreault
  • Developing codes for VTS ; some rewriting of codes done following the recommendation of Nicolas Leclerc, a colleague at Paris Observatory, Meudon site (July 2014) - Arenou, Boudreault
  • Summer student (Clément Viard) working on the bright stars issue, under the supervision of SB and FA. Figures done and analysis under way. These analysis will be presented in the technical note in preparation on the issue of contamination by bright star GAIA-C9-TN-OPM-SZB-007 (July 2014) - Arenou, Boudreault, Viard
  • Writing Mantis issues 0028517 (July 2014) - Boudreault
  • Teleconferences on VTS (July 2014) - Antiche, Arenou, Boudreault, Fabricius, Romero-Gomez
  • CU9 Plenary meeting in Vienna (7-8 July), CU9 Catalogue validation meeting (9 July), and the Gaia data visualisation workshop (9-11 July), all meetings at the University Observatory in Vienna (July 2014) - Boudreault

  • In VTS document GAIA-C9-SP-OPM-FA-061 ; informations added in the procedure sections of the VTS to better describe the Java codes (August 2014) - Boudreault
  • Developing codes for VTS ; WP942-220-020 was created, although it is also in a preliminary state such as WP942-220-010. However, informations on the way the verifications should be done are given in the code (August 2014) - Boudreault
  • Conversion from the IGSL catalogue in GEPI from radian to degree for alpha and delta : the modification was done in the codes and the corresponding JUnits, and also in the two test database (August 2014) - Boudreault, Shih
  • Following the conversion from radian to degree for the IGSL catalogue at GEPI, the software tool Hudson send an error message concerning the JUnit test for the VTS WP942-110-030, which gets the minimum and maximum values for alpha and delta from the Data Model for IGSL. Since these values are still in radian (e.g. 0 < alpha < 2*pi), the JUnit fail (i.e. expecting 0 < alpha < 360). A mantis was reopen about this issue (see mantis #0025775). As long as the Data Model for IGSL remains in radian, Hudson will send an error for WP942 for the JUnit of VTS WP942-110-030 (August 2014) - Boudreault
  • Summer student (Clément Viard) working on the bright stars issue, under the supervision of SB and FA. Figures done and analysis under way. These analysis will be presented in the technical note in preparation on the issue of contamination by bright star GAIA-C9-TN-OPM-SZB-007 (August 2014) - Arenou, Boudreault, Viard
  • Progress on the technical note on the issue of contamination by bright star GAIA-C9-TN-OPM-SZB-007. Only remain the section on analysis and conclusion (August 2014) - Boudreault
  • Teleconferences on VTS (August 2014) - Antiche, Arenou, Boudreault, Fabricius, Romero-Gomez
Last report from Steve Boudreault : he is leaving his current position at Obs. Paris on 22 August for a position on another project in Göttingen, Germany, starting 1st September.

530-Simulation versus reality: from models to observables

  • Validation of GAIA data would be performed by comparing it with predictions of the Besancon model. In turn, predictions of Besancon model for various observed quantities e.g. distribution of stars in magnitude bins, colors, proper motion, etc. must be compared with previous observations to confirm the consistency of model with present observations. For this purpose we use IGSL catalogue which is created by combining data from several big astronomical catalogues such as SDSS, MASS2, GSC23, Hipparcos (for bight stars), etc. and compare it with GUMS, the catalogue of mock stars generated according to Besancon model of the Milky Way. Despite the presence of artifacts due to calibrational errors in IGSL, and possible over-estimation in galactic plane and under-estimation of number of stars in high galactic latitude by GUMS, they are grossly in agreement with each other and can be used to verify for GAIA data.

    Furthermore to discriminate between artifacts and real differences of two catalogues we are performing a decomposition to harmonic oscillator. This method allows to discriminate large and small scale structures in the data. Currently we are analysing the results and utility of this method.

540-Confronting Gaia to external archives

  • Developed code for VTS WP944_Val_030_001 and its corresponding JUnit test: proper motions (June 2014) - Ruiz-Dern
  • Rewriting and optimisation of codes done following advices of Nicolas Leclerc and Carine Babusiaux, at Paris Observatory (Meudon site) (June 2014) - Ruiz-Dern, Arenou
  • Teleconference on crossmatch tools and available catalogs (16 June 2014) - Babusiaux, Arenou, Marrese, Giuffrida, Ruiz-Dern
  • Meeting with quasar team from Paris Observatory to introduce them to VTS codes and tools; they are responsibles of VTS related to QSO external catalogues (19 June 2014) - Babusiaux, Arenou, Ruiz-Dern, Barache, Souchay, Shih, Boudreault
  • Mantis reported 0027192 due to connection issues with GACS via TAP (June 2014) - Shih
  • Discussions with Mark Taylor about Stilts crossmatch commands available to use via TAP: local table vs TAP table (IGSL); mantis 0027627 reported by him due to GACS connection failures (June 2014) - Ruiz-Dern
  • Developing code VTS WP944_Val_010_001: sky homogenity (July 2014) - Ruiz-Dern
  • CU9 Plenary meeting in Vienna (7-8 July), CU9 Catalogue validation meeting (9 July), and the Gaia data visualisation workshop (9-11 July), all meetings at the University Observatory in Vienna; doubts and issues for WP540 reported, solutions provided for crossmatch tools and database access (July 2014) - Ruiz-Dern, Babusiaux
  • Contact with ESAC to get an update on changes asked in Vienna: commands to crossmatch catalogs in GACS, access to healpix information. Healpix issue still not clearly resolved for us (September2014) - Ruiz-Dern
  • We are waiting for new VOTAP version (being developed by I-Chun at Meudon Observatory) in order to access GACS with credentials (needed for crossmatch purposes with local tables). These two last points are key to continue developing VTS for WP944 (September 2014) - Ruiz-Dern

560-Transversal tools for special objects

  • Maria Kudryashova ( will be recruited at IMCCE (Paris Observatory) to work on the Solar System Objects validation

600 - Support

700 - Dissemination

T7.2 - Community portal infrastructure

  • Several improvements based on Grainne Costigan (Leiden University) comments have been introduced in the portal design, as well as additional content and sections.
  • Website header design has been also changed to highlight the project's name.

T7.3 - Community portal, outreach and academic activities

  • Community portal was presented during the GENIUS/CU9 plenary meeting on July 7.
  • The Executive Board has created an Editorial Board to carry out a high-level supervision of the portal contents. Current list of members is:
    - Gráinne Costigane (Leiden)
    - Frederic Arenou (Meudon)
    - Mariateresa Crosta (INAF)
    - Heather Campbell (University of Cambridge)
    - Eduard Masana (UB)
    A second level of collaborators might be defined in September for the content provision, translation into several languages...
Topic revision: r27 - 2015-02-02 - TeresaVia
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