GENIUS Six-months Review Teleconf, 30th May 2014 10:00 - 11:00 CEST

The goal of this teleconference is to review the status of GENIUS after the initial 6-month set-up period. We will review the deliverables and milestones (X. Luri / L. Balaguer) and we will then do a quick review of the status of each WP (managers). Additionally, we will discuss the Vienna plenary meeting and define the GENIUS splinter meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

You can follow the telecon-

From now on we aim to have monthly teleconferences like this one to track the progress of the project.


  • Introduction and general update (X. Luri, L. Balaguer)

  • WP100 - Management (X. Luri)

  • WP400 Data exploitation (X. Luri, UB)
    • CSIC (E. Solano Marquez)
    • FFCUL (A. Moitinho)
    • UBR (M. Taylor)
    • CNRS (F. Arenou)

  • WP600 Support (X. Luri, UB)
    • CESCA (T. Via)
    • UCAM (N. Walton)

  • AOB


  • ALL: Review deliverables page and send a small report when a delivery is due or when a delay is necessary.
  • ALL: Try to take into account that we need to keep our contracts with around a 20% of women.
  • ALL: Fill the Reporting pages with the activities you develop. Next deadline next week!
  • NW: send a Partnership Agreement template/model to XL
  • ALL: Suggestions for the External Advisory Board still needed.
  • AM: Send a formal report of activities on 420.
  • ALL: Check new website and project portal and send comments to TV
  • LB: Open a doodle for next telecon at the end of June


  • An effort to get a GREAT meeting dedicated to Gaia User Community Requirements/Cases
  • Search for a formal & technical agreement of collaboration between NanoJasmine and Gaia in Validation as well as in complementarity of catalogues.
  • Once the Gaia commission stage is finished and a new schedule is in place, we will proceed to formally require a delay on the relevant deliverables (Science Alerts prototypes 2-3 months probably).
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 0530_GENIUS_telecon_WP700_CSUC.pdf r1 manage 34.9 K 2014-06-03 - 08:28 EduardMasana  
PowerPointpptx GENIUS_Telecon_T1_-__WP100.pptx r1 manage 811.5 K 2014-05-31 - 20:57 XaviLuri XL presentation on WP100
PowerPointpptx GENIUS_Telecon_T1_-__WP400.pptx r1 manage 278.7 K 2014-05-31 - 20:57 XaviLuri XL presentation on WP400
PowerPointpptx GENIUS_Telecon_T1_-__WP600.pptx r1 manage 269.1 K 2014-05-31 - 20:58 XaviLuri XL presentation on WP600
PowerPointpptx GENIUS_Telecon_T1_-__WP700.pptx r1 manage 439.1 K 2014-05-31 - 20:59 XaviLuri XL presentation on WP700
PowerPointppt WP200_KU.ppt r1 manage 103.5 K 2014-05-30 - 03:37 YoshiyukiYamada WP200 activity of KU in 6th month
PowerPointppt WP500_KU_6month.ppt r1 manage 100.5 K 2014-05-30 - 03:38 YoshiyukiYamada WP500 activity in KU in 6month.
PDFpdf genius_telecon_042014.pdf r1 manage 108.6 K 2014-05-30 - 07:13 RichardSmart  
Topic revision: r12 - 2014-07-03 - LolaBalaguer
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