Joint CU9-GENIUS plenary meeting #2 2015

The GENIUS plenary meeting 2015 will be held 21-23 September 2015 at the University of Barcelona. This is a joint meeting of the GENIUS FP7 coordination with the CU9 Plenary Meeting

Local information

Information on travel to the Department of Astronomy in Barcelona and accommodation can be found at UB access.


Monday 21 September Plenary meeting

Morning Speaker Start End Duration
Gaia/DPAC overview
Welcome and organization details XL 9:30 9:40 0:10
Mission Status review AB 9:40 10:10 0:30
GDR1 planning update (and GDR2 perspectives) AB 10:10 10:20 0:10
GDR1 astrometry status review (TGAS + GDR1 secondaries) JH? 10:20 10:30 0:10
GDR1 photometry status review FdA (TBC) 10:30 10:40 0:10
CU9 WPs preparation for GDR1
CU9 preparation for GDR1 overview XL 10:40 10:55 0:15
Coffee break 10:55 11:25 0:30
GACS plan for GDR1 JSB 11:25 11:45 0:20
WP950 plan for GDR1* GGA 11:45 12:05 0:20
WP960 plan for GDR1* SJ 12:05 12:25 0:20
Presentation of the GENIUS-Gaia portal: TV
WP970 plan for GDR1* XL 12:25 12:35 0:10
Lunch break 12:35 13:35 1:00
Afternoon Speaker Start End Duration
WP920 plan for GDR1* FvL 14:00 14:10 0:10
WP930 plan for GDR1* NCH 14:10 14:30 0:20
WP940 plan for GDR1* FA 14:30 15:00 0:30
XM plan for GDR1 PM 15:00 15:20 0:20
Coffee break 15:20 15:50 0:30
WP980 plan for GDR1* AM 15:50 16:10 0:20
Beta testers group organization and plan NW 16:10 16:30 0:20
Overall CU9 plan for GDR1
GDR1 rehearsal GGA 16:30 16:50 0:20
Discussion on overall CU9 plan for GDR1 (including schedule) XL/ALL 16:50 18:10 1:20
End of Monday session 18:00

Tuesday 22 September Plenary meeting

Morning Speaker Start End Duration
Discussion on overall CU9 plan for GDR1 and GDR2 (if needed) XL/ALL 9:00 9:30 0:30
Documentation to be provided before GDR1 JdB/ALL 9:30 10:00 0:30
Issues workflow, DPAC standards GCM 10:00 10:20 0:20
Gaia Added Value Interface - bringing python to the archive WOM (?) 10:20 10:50 0:30
Coffee break 10:50 11:20 0:30
DPAC GDR preparation
GDR1 accompanying papers review AV 11:20 11:40 0:20
CU3 preparation GDR1** JH 11:40 12:10 0:30
CU4 preparation GDR1** DP 12:10 12:30 0:20
CU5 preparation GDR1** DE 12:30 12:50 0:20
Lunch break 12:50 13:50 1:00
Afternoon Speaker Start End Duration
CU7 preparation GDR1** LE 13:50 14:10 0:20

Tuesday 22 September: Afternoon Splinter Meetings

Documentation (WP920) Seminar room 3rd floor

  • 15:00-15:30 Status of the MDB DT "documentation fields" (Jose Hernandez)
  • 15:30-16:30 Status of the SW tool(s) to transfer LaTeX into web-based content (Enrique Utrilla and Goska van Leeuwen)
  • 16:30-17:30 Discussion session on the table-of-contents document JDB-097 (Jos de Bruijne and Sandra Vogt)
    • Open points:
    • Shall (some) CU2 products be documented, in particular the ones that are used in Validation?
    • Do MIT and DCS need to be documented?
    • Do GaiaTools, GPDB, etc. need to be documented?
    • Are all auxiliary data mentioned in EP-013 covered?
  • 17:30-18:00 Discussion session on the status and schedule for the guidelines (both editorial and technical) and the template (Floor van Leeuwen)
  • 18:00- AOB

Archive Architecture (WP3) ICC Seminar room 7th floor

15:00 - 18:00

  • Actions from last meeting (telecon on 31st March 2015)
  • Discussion on points raised in Review of Gaia data access scenarios coverage in GACS (GAIA-CU9-TN-LEI-GCO-002)
  • Virtual Machines, research environments
  • Integration of Web2.0 features with GACS
  • MDB Dictionary Tool
    • Propagation of encapsulated information
    • Any other features needed?
  • DQP integration
    • Quick review of DQP ICD
    • Neighbour tables - conventions and status of crossmatch developments
    • Deployment and integration of DQP
  • Discussion on the "living archive" - see Living Gaia Archive (GAIA-CU9-TN-LEI-GCO-003)
  • AOB

Outreach (WP7) DAM Seminar room 7th floor

15:00 - 18:00

  • Discussion on a simple archive interface for outreach (Gráinne Costigan)
  • Visualisation in outreach (Gaia Sandbox, collaboration with WP980)
  • Documentation video for DPAC plenary meeting in Leiden (Stefan Jordan)
  • Outreach products for the first Gaia data release
    • This is important, suggestions
    • State of the art visualization of the Gaia night sky, including zooming in on any region
    • TGAS HRD, including a version colour coded according to tangential motion (see [1])
    • An interactive TGAS HRD
    • TGAS proper motions movie (how the sky changes)
    • Variable stars item
    • Alerts
    • SSOs
    • ...
  • Gaiaverse portal (Teresa Via)

CrossMatch (WP3) Sala de Juntas Nova

15:00 - 18:00


GENIUS Mide Term Report preparation meeting (TBC)

15:00 - 18:00


Wednesday 23 September: Splinter Meetings

Validation (WP5) Sala Eduard Fontsere

9:00 - 15:00

  • 09:00 - 09:15 : Introduction - F.A.
  • 09:15 - 09:35 : CU3 TGAS/AGIS verifications - D. Hobbs
  • 09:35 - 09:50 : GAT - E. Antiche
  • 09:50 - 10:20 : WP942 - C. Fabricius+K.F+E.A.
  • 10:20 - 10:50 : WP943 - AR+
  • 10:50 - 11:20 : WP944 - CB+
  • 11:20 - 11:40 : Coffee break
  • 11:40 - 12:00 : WP945 - AH+
  • 12:00 - 12:20 : WP946 - S. Blanco
  • 12:20 - 12:50 : WP947 - A. Vallenari, T. Cantat
  • 12:50 - 13:10 : WP948 - D. Hestroffer
  • 13:10 - 14:10 : Lunch
  • 14:10 - 14:20 : Photometric tools - G. Montana
  • 14:20 - 14:30 : Mng ValidationTools - I-C. Shih
  • 14:30 - 14:40 : Common Stat Tools - K. Findeisen
  • 14:40 - 15:40 : General Discussion

Data Mining (WP4) Sala Juntas Nova 1st floor

9:00 - 12:00

  1. Introduction FJ
  2. Work Package tasks review
  3. Special discussion topics
    • New cluster infrastructure
    • Scientific Use cases discussion
      • Grand challenges
    • Visualization - Demo by Carlos Dafonte, (TBC)
    • SparkR, GG
    • Time allocation commiitee, first ideas
    • Calendar: Milestones, development and release planning

Visualization (WP4) DAM Seminar room 7th floor

9:00 - 12:00


  1. Xavier Luri
  2. Lola Balaguer
  3. Mark Taylor
  4. Stefan Jordan
  5. Dimitri Pourbaix
  6. Thomas Boch
  7. Anthony Brown
  8. Arnaud Siebert
  9. Gonzalo Gracia
  10. William O'Mullane
  11. Krzysztof Findeisen
  12. Frédéric Arenou
  13. Sergi Blanco-Cuaresma
  14. Laura Ruiz-Dern
  15. I-Chun Shih
  16. Daniel Hestroffer
  17. Alfred Gil
  18. Morgan Fouesneau
  19. Amina Helmi
  20. Jos de Bruijne
  21. Sandra Vogt
  22. Toni Sagristà
  23. Alessandro Sozzetti
  24. Annie Robin
  25. Paola Di Matteo
  26. Alberto Krone-Martins
  27. Marco Molinaro
  28. Paul McMillan
  29. François Taris
  30. Yoshiyuki Yamada
  31. Teresa Via
  32. Gorka Roldan
  33. André Moitinho
  34. Miguel Gomes
  35. Luis Sarro
  36. Rosanna Sordo
  37. Ryoichi Nishi
  38. Paola Marrese
  39. Giuliano Giuffrida
  40. Silvia Marinoni
  41. Alcione Mora
  42. Angel Berihuete
  43. Mercè Romero-Gómez
  44. Dafydd Wyn Evans
  45. Carme Jordi
  46. Nicholas Walton
  47. Gabriele Comoretto
  48. Nigel Hambly
  49. Carlos Dafonte
  50. Minia Manteiga
  51. Daniel Garabato
  52. Marco Antonio Alvarez
  53. Jesus Salgado
  54. Juan Gonzalez
  55. Juan Carlos Segovia
  56. Raul Gutierrez
  57. Erika Antiche
  58. Francesc Julbe
  59. Grainne Costigan
  60. Raúl Borrachero
  61. Floor van Leeuwen
  62. Eduard Masana
  63. Carine Babusiaux
  64. Jochen Klar
  65. Harry Enke
  66. Grégory Mantelet
  67. David Hobbs
  68. Jose Hernandez
  69. Dave Morris
  70. Stelios Voutsinas
  71. Claus Fabricius
  72. Enrique Utrilla
  73. Antonella Vallenari
  74. Francesca De Angeli
  75. Catherine Turon
  76. Josep Manel Carrasco
  77. Maarten Breddels
  78. Vicente Navarro
  79. Hassan Siddiqui
  80. Francesca Figueras
  81. Enrique Solano
  82. Christophe Barache
  83. Daniel Vagg
  84. Sheila McBreen
  85. Derek O'Callaghan
  86. Lorraine Hanlon
  87. Laurent Eyer
  88. António Falcão
  89. Misha Haywood
  90. Michele Fabrizio
  91. Céline Réylé
  92. Jovan Veljanoski
  93. Arkadiusz Hypki
  94. Maria Kudryashova
  95. Juanma Martin-Fleitas
  96. Maria Garcia
Topic revision: r3 - 2015-12-18 - LolaBalaguer
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