Vienna CU9 Plenary meeting, July 2014

Article text.

-- Cesc Julbe - 2014-12-04

As part of the CU9 plenary meeting in Vienna, on Tuesday 8th July there was a splinter session about the 973 work package, "Data mining". In the session there is the attendance of about 25 people with representatives of the SAT, ESAC operations, CU9 management, INAF, University of La Coruņa, CSUC and Universitat de Barcelona.

  • Session starts with a presentation by Francesc Julbe, from Universitat de Barcelona with the latest data mining activities from the Barcelona team, use cases and results. The presentation has been uploaded to SVN, CU9 plenary meeting repository.
    1. Cycle A goals reviewed.
    2. WP973 wiki is presented as a work package information repository.
    3. Use cases and technologies analyzed.
    4. Conclusions
  • Paola Marrese (ASDC-INAF) reports some tests performed with spectra and 'R' libraries, but they do not consider those exercises as Big Data. Still, they are interested in participating in the work package, so we plan to synchronize efforts trying to find specific collaborations and tasks.
  • Alessandro Costa, from INAF-OACT shows a big data use case prepared for the DIRAC GRID framework project to be proposed for the H2020, the VLDATA project. ESA agrees to study the possibility to participate as a partner through Jesus Salgado.
  • The team from University of La Coruņa also offers their expertise in big data implementations as they have implemented several use cases, specially for unsupervised classification (Clustering) in the CU8 context.
  • There was a short open discussion about what this framework should be able to do and the profile of the potential users. Conclusion is that the framework should rely on a very basic and easy to use and understand interface, where functions and capabilities of the framework are clearly described. Weka is mentioned as an example. The framework should not only be designed for those who have data mining knowledge but also the users with small data mining background.
  • Interaction between Visualization Work Package and Architecture Work Package is hinted but no action item is planned in the short term yet.
  • Francesc Julbe is proposed as a WP coordinator with no objections by the attenders.


Topic revision: r1 - 2014-12-04 - CescJulbe
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