Gaia Archive Review 1 (CU9 - GENIUS)

The goal of this review is to present the current and immediate future status of the Gaia Archive from the Science Archives Team (SAT) and, more importantly, to identify science use cases to be covered by this a future versions.

This information will facilitate the creation of a concrete roadmap for future Gaia Archive evolution.

The workshop will take place at the ESAC premises (Meeting Room B5), the 21st January 2015


  • Christophe Arviset
  • Grainne Costigan
  • Juan Gonzalez
  • Gonzalo Gracia
  • Raul Gutierrez
  • Jose Hernandez
  • Xavier Luri (arriving from Barcelona in AVE, should arrive at 10h if everything is Ok)
  • Sara Nieto
  • Wil O'Mullane (Probably need to step out 10:00 to 11:30)
  • Timo Prusti
  • Jesus Salgado
  • Johannes Sahlmann
  • Albrecht Schmidt
  • Juan Carlos Segovia
  • Sandra Vogt

People not present in the meeting could follow it at:

(partially or completely, depending on the requests received)


Please notice that present review is quite open and mainly focused on discussions and brainstormings. Presentations and demos will be used to initiate discussions between participants.

10:00-10:10 Welcome and presentation

  • Identification of goals for this meeting
  • Presentation of the participants

10:10-10:30 GACS v0.5 status (JS/All)

  • Presentation
  • Discussion

10:30-10:50 GACS DB and DM (JG)

  • Presentation
  • Discussion

10:50-11:10 GACS UI, TAP+, statistics and SAMP (RG)

  • Presentation/Demo
  • Discussion

11:10-11:30 Quotas, Upload, Cross-match and command line access (JCS)

  • Presentation/Demo
  • Discussion

11:30-12:00 Coffee break

12:00-13:00 Use cases per release analysis and discussion (JS/All)

  • Review of the intermediate versions document
  • Future Roadmap
  • Discussion

13:00-14:30 Lunch

14:30-14:50 Gaia data releases and roadmap (JH)

14:50-15:30 Science Requirements (XL/TP)

15:30-15:50 Comparing model outputs to the archive data (GC)

15:50-16:00 Coffee break

16:00-17:00 GACS future evolution discussion (All)

Provisional minutes

CA - We initially refer to the use cases defined in GREAT, from which requirements were derived. We will take the chance to discuss if new requirements are required Presentation from JS (see slides on wiki)

Note on schedule: the planning has been just revised by DPACE and therefore the dates for TGAS release (if it happens) will be likely delayed. However, internally we want to maintain an early test and validation schedule for GACS in view of R1.

LDAP identification: in priciple this will be used to allow access to some added value features of the archive, so we have to sort out how handle the management of new users, outside the present DPAC community. Some control will be needed for the registration of archive users but also some practical mechanism for doing it. We could also explore the use of OpenID, as in EUCLID, for this purpose.

Action on JS, GG, SV to investigate options for smart user identification in the Gaia archive.
Presentation from JG (see slides on Gaia wiki)

Note on cross-match: specific meetings of SAT and CU9-XM team are scheduled to discuss its implementation. The case of XM including proper motions will have to be discussed.

GACS demo (Raul & Juan Carlos)

XL: suggestion to add a query by Gaia ID in the interface

XL: Suggestion to make the the histograms shown for the catalogues (statistics tab) downloadable in CSV format for local usage

XL: suggestion for a "simple interface for dummies" oriented to non-professional users and professional users that just want to do a quick and simple query on the catalogue.

GC: suggestion to add showases for the archive. CA: this will probably be covered by the multimission interface being developed at ESA

Problem with SAMP: when mixing secure and insecure content the interaction between TopCat and the GACS UI in the browsers through SAMP gives trouble. This is an open issue and is being discussed with Mark Taylor.

Action on GG: include this in the TGAS roadmap.
XL: for the CLI and scripts help, suggestion to add in the help page some user oriented examples to guide starting users (how to do it step by step. Even better, some python, java and bash scripts can be provided for frequent use cases. Discussion of use cases (JS)

Request from JS for a review of the implementation done in GACS of the use scenarios listed in AB-026 to ensure that the actual needs behind the requirement are covered.

Action on GC: analysis of AB-026 in view of the current implementation of GACS + Set up a beta-tesing group in DPAC and Gaia to provide feedback on GACS against the data access scenarios in AB-026. Also set up a group of "external users" for general testing of the system. Feedback from this exercise should be compiled and sent to SAT.

Gaia data releases and roadmap from JH (see slides on wiki)

Comment: the SAT and CA suggest to publish the Hipparcos and Tycho2 catalogues at the same time than TGAS (or R1). They can be is separate DBs and TAP servers, but it's an opportunity to publish these ESA products at ESAC.

XL: this would be useful for TGAS since it would provide simultaneous availability of Tycho2 on which TGAS is based

TP: this has to be iterated with ESA management if we want to publish the re-reduction of Hipparcos from FvL, since it is not an official ESA product

XL: we can anyway publish the original Hipparcos and Tycho2, which are ESA products

CA: better to do the iteration for the FvL version and do it all together when we get the feedback from management

Action on TP: iterate with the ESA management the proposal to publish Hipparcos and Tycho2 catalogues, as well as FvL re-reduction. Inform CA and CU9 about the outcome.

Presentation on Science Requirements (XL/TP)

XL: suggestion to distribute a standard virtual machinve for development of validation software, replicating the local one at ESAC. This may ease the development and deployment.

CA: suggests that when real data is available to include it in the International Space Challenge; development of code and apps that use real space data for innovative purposes.

CA: consider inclusion of Multi Mission Interface from ESA in WP972

Comparing model outputs to the archive data (GC)

The work on thin clients in Leiden is close to the approach aimed in the upcoming GeoReturn contracts issued to work on the Gaia portal (framework for development of apps working against the archive). These contracts will coordinate with CU9 when they start. GC to inform his team about this; WOM to contact CU9 when the contacts start; XL !& GG to ensure coordination inside CU9 (contacts with WP930, WP970, WP980)

Topic revision: r1 - 2015-01-22 - LolaBalaguer
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