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Searched: FrancescaFigueras

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HpcGroup Set GROUP PabloBarneo, AlfredCastro, CarmeJordi, ClausFabricius, EduardMasana, FedeAnders, FerranTorra, FrancescaFigueras, FrancescVilardell, GuillemMarti...
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RecGaiaGroup Gent que pot MODIFICAR tot el twiki RecGaia Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP LolaBalaguer, FrancescaFigueras, CarmeJordi...
MonguioGroup Grup desactivat (desembre 2020). Es va crear per a la tesi de Maria Mongui...
TeresaGroup Grup desactivat (desembre 2020). Es va crear als inicis de WEAVE. Hi formaven part els usuaris UnAm (esborrat), TantojA, FrancescaFigueras...
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Simulations Spirals Spheroids Initial Conditions Spirals Angular Velocity km/s ^ ^...
Wang Zhenyi Wang Zhenyi (Chen I). Naci...
Nancy Grace Roman (1925 ) Nancy Grace Roman was born in Nashville, Tennessee on May 16, 1925. Her mother, Georgia Smith Roman, was a former music teacher and her father...
Vera Rubin (1928 ) Qued...
Maria Winckelmann(1670 1720) Mujer extraordinaria adelantada para su ...
Number of topics: 14

Topic revision: r32 - 2023-09-25 - RichardSmart
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