Código fortran (versión, Enero 2013)

  • const_ast.h: Definition of the astronomical constants

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatf Gaia-errors-Jan2013.f r1 manage 16.5 K 2013-01-16 - 16:49 FrancescaFigueras  
Unknown file formatdat TableVr-Oct2012.dat r1 manage 0.3 K 2013-01-16 - 09:11 FrancescaFigueras  
Header fileh const_ast.h r1 manage 0.4 K 2013-01-16 - 09:11 FrancescaFigueras  
Header fileh const_math.h r1 manage 0.7 K 2013-01-16 - 09:12 FrancescaFigueras  
Unknown file formatf gaussdev.f r1 manage 1.9 K 2013-01-18 - 07:37 FrancescaFigueras  
Unknown file formatdat gfactor-Oct2012.dat r1 manage 2.4 K 2013-01-16 - 09:11 FrancescaFigueras  
Topic revision: r6 - 2013-01-24 - FrancescaFigueras
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