Circular 5: ESO Spectroscopic Surveys: Aceptadas las dos LoI

Estimados colegas de la REG,

ESO ha valorado muy favorablemente las dos LoI presentadas por los equipos de Gaia!

Os adjuntamos los correos de Bruno Leibundgut (ESO), con los comentarios específicos del panel de revisión, y los de Gerry Gilmore (SE1/2) y Sofia Randich (SE3), coordinadores de las dos propuestas. Vereis que se nos propone juntar
ambos proyectos optimizando así los surveys en el disco galáctico y nos animan a trabajar duro para la redacción de la propuesta definitiva, que entendemos deberá estar lista a finales de marzo. Queda poco tiempo por lo que dudeis en informar directamente a toda la REG de los pasos que cada uno de vosotros vayais dando, así podremos ver en que tareas podemos ir aumentando la participación española en el proyecto.

Un abrazo,



Gerry Gilmore wrote:

Dear Gaia-ESO large spectroscopic survey colleagues

ESO have considered our LoI for this proposal, and replied as below.

The news is good!

We are advised (as we anticipated) to merge with the open clusters
proposal. No guidance is given on relative balance, so we all have work to
do to devise an optimal balanced survey.

Congratulations to you all for preparing such a strong LoI. Now to work
for an even stronger full proposal.

You'll all be asked for real input/work in the near future...

enjoy the weekend


From: Bruno Leibundgut <>
Subject: ESO Public Spectroscopic Surveys

Garching, 5 February 2011

Dear Gerry,

Thank you very much for submitting a letter of intent for an ESO Public
Spectroscopic Survey entitled

The Gaia-ESP Survey: Galactic Astrophysics via VISTA Imaging, Gaia
Astrometry, and ESO Spectroscopy.

ESO received 24 letters of intents for spectroscopic surveys asking for
a total of over 4000 nights using 9 different instruments.

The evaluation was done by a specially convened panel of six eminent
scientists. The 24 letters of intent were carefully examined and
discussed in a face-to-face meeting at ESO Garching at the end of
January. The panel paid special attention to the legacy aspect of the
proposed surveys.

As stated in the Call for Letters of Intent, only very few surveys can
be implemented. We would like to invite you to submit a proposal for a
public spectroscopic survey. However, the panel felt that the synergies
with the project proposed by Sofia Randich (Arcetri) are significant and
a merged proposal would be considered very favourably. It is clear that
only one proposal can be accepted, and should you submit an independent
proposal, it will be judged against the other submission.

Please take the comments by the panel into account for your proposal.

The specific panel comments for your project reads:

The PSSP was impressed with this proposal and recommends that the
proposers submit a full proposal which should justify clearly why such a
large amount of time is needed, and how the accumulated data will
complement and extend the science that will be done by other recent and
ongoing spectroscopic surveys (SEGUE, RAVE, APOGEE..). It is notable
that rather little data will be obtained on the thin disk which is by a
substantial margin the dominant stellar component of the Milky Way by
mass. This could be rectified by coordination with a survey of disk
clusters which has been suggested by the cluster community (also using
FLAMES) and which the PSSP is also recommending to submit a full
proposal. Splitting the amount of survey time available with FLAMES
between the two programmes would give a more complete overview of the
stellar populations of the Galaxy.

Yours Faithfully,

Sofia Randich wrote:

Dear CoIs of the cluster LoI,

I have just received very good news from ESO: our LoI has been favourably considered and we are invited to submit a proposal for a public spectroscopic survey.

Thanks to you all for your contribution during the LoI preparation. And congratulations as well!

ESO and the panel advise us to merge with the Milky Way proposal, coordinated by Gerry Gilmore. We will all need to work together towards a very strong proposal and an optimal devised and balanced survey.

I'll be back in touch soon asking for input.

In the mean time, have a nice weekend.

Best regards,


---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 14:44:09 +0100

From: Bruno Leibundgut <>



Subject: ESO Public Spectroscopic Surveys

Garching, 5 February 2011

Dear Sofia,

Thank you very much for submitting a letter of intent for an ESO Public

Spectroscopic Survey entitled

Open Star Clusters: the path from molecular clouds to the MW disk


ESO received 24 letters of intents for spectroscopic surveys asking for

a total of over 4000 nights using 9 different instruments.

The evaluation was done by a specially convened panel of six eminent

scientists. The 24 letters of intent were carefully examined and

discussed in a face-to-face meeting at ESO Garching at the end of

January. The panel paid special attention to the legacy aspect of the

proposed surveys.

As stated in the Call for Letters of Intent, only very few surveys can

be implemented. We would like to invite you to submit a proposal for a

public spectroscopic survey. However, the panel felt that the synergies

with the project proposed by Gerry Gilmore (Cambridge) are significant and

a merged proposal would be considered very favourably. It is clear that

only one proposal can be accepted, and should you submit an independent

proposal, it will be judged against the other submission.

Please take the comments by the panel into account for your proposal.

The specific panel comments for your project reads:

In conjunction with Gaia, the spectroscopic study of open clusters in

the Milky Way disk is an important task which will produce a dataset

with diverse applications and a strong legacy value. In particular, it

will allow the star formation history and secular evolution of the

main stellar component of our Galaxy to be studied in detail, as well

as calibrating many aspects of the theories of stellar and cluster

evolution. As a result the panel was very favorably impressed by this

proposal. The exploration of the other stellar populations of the

Milky Way has been proposed for another public survey (also using

FLAMES) which the PSSP is also recommending to submit a full

proposal. Splitting the available survey time with FLAMES between the

two programmes would give a substantially more complete overview of

the stellar populations of the Galaxy than either programme on its


Yours Faithfully,


Topic revision: r1 - 2011-02-07 - FrancescaFigueras
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