Ofertas de postdoc y tesis en Niza

1- Postdoctoral position in Galactic Archaeology, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (France)

Deadline May 10th, 2011

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (Laboratoire Cassiopée) to work on Galactic Archaeology by means of high-resolution spectroscopic surveys of the Milky-Way stellar populations (in close collaboration with Drs V. Hill, P. de Laverny and A. Recio-Blanco).
The successful applicant is expected to work on the data analysis of small (PI projects) to very-large scale (proposed ESO Large Public Survey ESO-GAIA) spectroscopic surveys of Milky-Way stellar populations, using and developing automated techniques for stellar parametrization (e.g. MATISSE, Recio-Blanco et al., 2006, developed in-house). The position is offered as part of the GALHIS ANR-funded project (http://www.obs-besancon.fr/galhis/).

Applicants with previous experience in the field of observational stellar astrophysics, spectroscopic and/or chemical analysis, Milky-Way stellar populations, are particularly welcome, but all applicants with experience in related areas will also be considered. Preference will be given to candidates with strong independent research programs in these areas, as the applicant is expected to carry out his own research in parallel.

The appointment is expected to start in the fall of 2011, for two years.
Applicants should submit: CV, list of publications, statement of research, brief research project, and arrange for 2-3 letters of reference.
E-mail submission to Vanessa.Hill@oca.eu or Alejandra.Recio-Blanco@oca.eu is preferred.
Full consideration will be given to applications received by May 10st 2011, and the position will remain open until filled.
The OCA is strongly involved in the preparation of the Gaia mission and the ground-based spectroscopic complementary survey (e.g. ESO-GAIA), and offers a stimulating scientific environment (https://gaia.oca.eu/).

The position includes the Full access to the French healthcare system (medical, maternity, etc) and vacation.


1- PhD position in Galactic Archaeology, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (France)

Deadline : June 2011
See file with more info: Thesis Offer

Alejandra Recio-Blanco
Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
Boulevard de l'Observatoire
B.P. 4229
06304 Nice Cedex 04 (France)
TEL (33) [0]4 92 00 30 14 * EMAIL: <mailto:arecio@oca.eu>

Topic revision: r1 - 2011-04-08 - LolaBalaguer
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