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RogerMor » Watchlist

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The watchlist is empty. To watch topics, select the "Watch" menu item on topics of interest.

Watched Topics

  • To unwatch multiple topics, uncheck the topics, then click Update Watchlist.
  • To watch all topics in a web, check the All checkbox, then click Update Watchlist.
  • To have new topics added to your watchlist automatically, check the New checkbox, then click Update Watchlist.
  • To add a topic to the list, visit it and click Watch on the menu bar.
Webs and watched topics:
Web color GENIUS
Web color InstrumentacioAstronomica
Web color Main
Web color RecGaia
Web color Sandbox
Web color TWiki
Web color WS2GaiaMock
Web color data/GENIUS
Web color data/GREATITNFC
Web color data/InstrumentacioAstronomica
Web color data/Main
Web color data/RecGaia
Web color data/Sandbox
Web color data/TWiki
Web color data/WS2GaiaMock


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Topic revision: r1 - 2016-02-09 - RogerMor
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