Recent Changes in GREATITNFC Web retrieved at 23:15 (GMT)

GREATITNFC Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the GREATITNFC web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in...
Proceedings The Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia Proceedings for the conference have been published in the `EAS Publications Series` They will be referenced...
Participants The Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia The list is being manually updated (as of 28 November) Participant Institution Abedi, Hoda Universitat...
The Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia GREAT Science from the Gaia Data Releases, Barcelona (Spain) 1 5 December 2014 NEWS: 20141109 the programme listing all speakers...
Outreach / Divulgaci...
Rationale Registration Important Dates Programme Participants Presenter Info Outreach/Divulgaci...
Programme The Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia Talks / Posters / Abstract Book When ID What Who Institute Slides Monday 1 December...
Important Dates The Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia First announcement: 15th August 2014 ( DONE ) Opening of registration and abstract submission: 15th September...
Local Organizing Committee The Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia Francesca Figueras (Chair) Carme Jordi Jordi Torra Xavier Luri Lola Balaguer...
The formation of the Milky Way bulge and its X shaped structure Juntai Shen Zhao Yu Li (SHAO, Shanghai, China) Bulges are commonly believed to form in the dynamical...
Baysian Inference of Kinematics and Memberships of Open Clusters Zhengyi Shao (SHAO, Shanghai, China) TBD
The M giants classication in the LAMOST DR1 Jing Zhong (SHAO, Shanghai, China) TBD
Precise spectroscopic parameters for solar type stars with moderate to high rotation Maria Tsantaki (CAUP, Porto, Portugal) One of the primary objectives of Gaia...
On the connection between the thick disk and the barred galactic bulge A. Spagna, A. Curir, M. G. Lattanzi, P. Re Fiorentin, A.Laura Serra (INAF, Torino, Italy...
VOSA: SED building and analysis of thousands of stars in the framework of Gaia E.Solano, C.Rodrigo, A.Bayo (CAB INTA CSIC, Spain) VOSA(VOSedAnalyzer, ttp://svo...
Peering through the dust: Precise astrometry of the Galactic mid plane with the VVV survey Leigh Smith, Philip Lucas, Hugh Jones (University of Herfordshire, UK...
Origin of the metallicity distribution in the thick disc Maider Sancho Miranda, Bradley Gibson, Kate Pilkington, Christopher Brook, Patricia Sanchez Blazquez (University...
Characterisation of the Gaia Red Clump L. Ruiz Dern (Observatoire de Paris Meudon, France) The Red Clump is a compact group of stars located in the giant branch...
Novel kinematic methods to trace Spiral Arms nature using Gaia data S. Roca F...
Halo Streamers in the Era of Gaia Re Fiorentin, P., Curir, A., Lattanzi, M.G., Spagna A. (INAF, Torino, Italy) The solar neighbourhood potentially contains a very...
Radial migration and the properties of the MW disk N. Prantzos and E. Athanassoula (AIP, Paris, France) I will present the results of a recent study on the impact...
The Milky Way: facts and fiction M. Moreno (UPC,Spain) In 2001, ESA presented a study entitled `Innovative Technologies from Science Fiction (SF) for Space Applications...
The IMF at intermediate masses from Galactic Cepheids Mor R.; Robin A.; Lemasle B.; Figueras F. (ICC UB / IEEC, Spain) Aims. To constrain the Initial Mass Function...
Detectability of Ultra Faint Dwarf Galaxies with Gaia C.Mateu, T. Antoja, L.Aguilar, F. Figueras, A. Brown, A. Aparicio, S. Hidalgo, F. Hern...
The Gaia Object Simulator E. Antiche, R. Borrachero, F. Julbe, E. Masana (ICC UB / IEEC, Spain) Gaia, a cornerstone ESA mission, will produce a three dimensional...
Gaia Mission App: developing a mobile application for science outreach M. Clotet, E. Masana, et al. (ICC UB / IEEC,Spain) Connecting with the public on a frequent...
Metallicity Gradients through Disk Instabilities Inma Martinez Valpuesta (IAC, Spain) Observations show a clear vertical metallicity gradient in the Galactic bulge...
GUASOM: Gaia Utility for Analysis and Knowledge Discovery based on Self Organizing Maps D. Fustes, M. Manteiga, C. Dafonte, B.Arcay, , M.A. ...
New solar twins and siblings in the ELODIE and SOPHIE archives Mahdi D., Soubiran C., Blanco Cuaresma S. (LAB, Bordeaux, France) Solar twins were searched in the...
Tomography of star forming regions with VLBI radio interferometers Laurent Loinard (CRyA, UNAM, Mexico) Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) at radio wavelengths...
Time variation of differential reddening towards NGC 4833 Johanna Itam Daniel Pfenniger G...
Tracing the Sagittarius Tidal Streams in Carbon Long Period Variables Avon Huxor Eva Grebel (ARI, Heidelberg, Germany) We have assembled a sample of~120 pectroscopically...
LAMOST Open Clusters survey: current status and perspective Jinliang HOU, Li CHEN, Jing ZHONG, Zhenyi , Chien Cheng LIN (SHAO, Shanghai, Xina) LAMOST has obtained...
Benchmark stars for cross calibration of Galactic stellar surveys. U. Heiter, P. Jofr...
The Gaia hybrid catalogue, a leverage to find Galactic structures M. Fouesneau (MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany) The undergoing Gaia mission will undertake an astrometric...
Optical Cartography of the Northern Galactic Plane with IPHAS Hywel Farnhill (University of Herfordshire, UK ) The INT Photometric H alpha Survey (IPHAS) recently...
The TOROS and TORITOS projects M. Diaz, M. Beroiz, C. Torres, M. Benacquista, D. Garcia, M. Dominguez, B. Sanchez, L. Macri ( CGWA, Texas University, USA ) The...
Chemical Abundances in the Open Cluster NGC6791 from APOGEE spectra Katia Cunha , Verne Smith (ON MCTI Steward Observatory ) The open cluster NGC 6791 is very...
The nearest High Velocity stars revealed by LAMOST data release 1 Li CHEN, Jing ZHONG, Jinliang HOU, Zhenyi SHAO, et al. (SHAO, Shanghai, P.R.China) We report the...
The OCCASO Survey L. Casamiquela, R. Carrera, C. Jordi, L. Balaguer N...
Characterisation of the Gaia photometry Carrasco, J.M.; Jordi, C.; Fabricius, C.; Voss, H.; Weiler, M. (ICC UB / IEEC, Spain) Our team at the University of Barcelona...
Will Gaia see TP AGB stars in the Galactic halo? Gustavo Bruzual (CRyA, UNAM, Mexico) Recent developments in the theoretical treatment of the evolution of TP AGB...
Exploring the orbits of the stars via chemical tagging techniques Borja Anguiano (Macquarie University, Australia) Using the chemical groups identified by Mitschang...
On the detection of satellite galaxies of the Milky Way with Gaia photometry Jairo A. Alzate Trujillo (CRyA, UNAM, Mexico) We study the detection possibility of...
Star planet connection through metallicity V.Zh. Adibekyan, P. Figueira, N.C. Santos, G. Israelian, A. Mortier, C.Mordasini, E. Delgado Mena, S.G. Sousa, A.C.M....

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