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Revision 112014-10-28 - DaniMolina

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Revision 102012-04-26 - LolaBalaguer

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Revision 82012-04-25 - LolaBalaguer

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Revision 72012-04-25 - LolaBalaguer

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Welcome to the data/InstrumentacioAstronomica web


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Instrumentació astronòmica i observació robòtica

  • Francesca Figueras Siñol
  • Jose M. Gómez Cama
  • Josep Sabater Morros
  • Jordi Torra Roca

The work with Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía and the company AVS in developing electronics for a fiber positioner on multi-object spectrographs has continued. Our experience with the SIDE project allowed us to participate in the MEGARA and BigBoss projects.

MEGARA is a visual intermediate resolution spectrograph which was presented by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in answer to the Gran Telescopio de Canarias call for its second generation of instruments. On the other hand BigBoss is a project, leaded by D. Schlegel at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and based on SDSSIII, aimed to study dark energy using a highly multiplexed (5000-8000) spectrograph for the Mayall 4m telescope. Both projects are at present under development and our contribution is devoted to the electronics of the positioner developed by AVSâ€IAA and to develop a downsized positioner and electronics for BigBoss.

We also participate very actively in the MIRADAS project (IP S. Eikenberry at the University of Florida). MIRADAS is a multi-object near-infrared echelle spectrograph working at spectral resolution of 20000. MIRADAS was also presented to the GTC call. We have contributed to the science case and will be in charge of the electronics and control software for placing the probes in the desired position of the focal plane.

MIRADAS and MEGARA where both selected by an International Board in September 2010 to be the first two second generation instruments for GTC. At present MoUs with GTC and MEGARA and MIRADAS consortia are being prepared.

Revision 62005-03-28 - TWikiContributor

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Welcome to the data/InstrumentacioAstronomica web

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Revision 42002-04-14 - PeterThoeny

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Revision 32002-04-07 - PeterThoeny

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Revision 22001-11-24 - PeterThoeny

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