Difference: MilestonesGenius (12 vs. 13)

Revision 132016-04-12 - LolaBalaguer

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GENIUS Milestones

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MS5 Archive user requirements document WP2 UL 01/10/2014  
MS6 Requirements document for each subsystem WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5 UB 01/10/2014 WP3 SRS
MS7 Public version of GENIUS portal WP6, WP7 CSUC 01/10/2014 Public version of GENIUS portal
MS8 Mid-term review WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7 UB 01/06/2015 Plenary meeting to take place in Sept in Barcelona. Mid term review in Nov. 2015 in Leiden (agreed with PO during the 1st year review)
MS8 Mid-term review WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7 UB 01/06/2015 Plenary meeting to take place in Sept in Barcelona. Mid term review in Nov. 2015 in Leiden (agreed with PO during the 1st year review)
MS9 User prototype archive review WP2, WP3 UEDIN 01/10/2015 being delayed by 3 to 6 months in
order to synchronise with the DPAC CU9 Gaia DR1 rehearsal and beta–testing of GACS.
MS10 Exploitation tools review WP2, WP4 UB 01/10/2015 Specific session during CU9 plenary meeting Sept. 2015: https://gaia.am.ub.es/Twiki/bin/view/GENIUS/PlenaryMeeting2015
MS11 Validation tools review WP2, WP5 CNRS 01/10/2015 Specific session during CU9 plenary meeting Sept. 2015: https://gaia.am.ub.es/Twiki/bin/view/GENIUS/PlenaryMeeting2015
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