Summary of activities June 2015 - August 2015

WP1 - Management

  • Second GENUS trimestral telecon on 18 of June 2015.

WP2 - User community

  • 06/2015 Marese (ASDC) provided a LL document on the planned WP240 Seamless data retrieval across archives and wavelength domains
  • 06/2015 Michele Fabrizio selected for WP240 1 yr contract at ASDC will begin in july 2015
  • 06/2015 ASDC organized a workshop on cross-matching in different wavelength domain, from gamma-ray to FIR.
  • 06/2015 Solano put Marese and Francois-Xavier Pineau of FP7 Arches in contact - someone from Genius will attend the Arches end of program conference in Paris
  • Costigan has lead the development of ideas for the simple archive interface, through telecons (15th June) and wiki enteries (
  • Costigan has worked on estabilishing Beta testing alongside with N. Hambley and G. Garcia. This mainly included a detailed review the use case scenarios (AB-026), their implementation status, and possibility of testing with the current data sets available. This has been written up (GCO-002) and is awaiting further review from other parties.
  • YY invited Prof. F. Mignard (OCA) and Prof. G. Gilmore (IoA) to the summer school of distance ladder by using EU-FP7 money. ( Number of participants are 71, from 19 countries. They are the potential users of Gaia data. FM and GG had lectures. In these lectures, characteristics of Gaia data and its possible science topics are introduced. These lectures are useful for potential users of Gaia data. Audiences understood how and what purpose the astrometric data will be used. JASMINE member have discussion with FM on Nano-JASMINE data analysis. Kye of the Nano-JASMINE data analyis will be the accuracy of attitude reconstruction. In Gaia observations, number of stars on the same focal plane will be large. Attitude will be reconstructed easily. On the other hand in Nano-JASMINE, attitude reconstruction will be hard problem like the case of Hipparcos. Also JASMINE member have discussion with GG on possible collaboration of post-Gaia and Japan astrometry community. Infrared astrometry technique will be the candidate of post-Gaia collaboration with Japan. Viewgraphs of FM and GG will be here. Please ask file read password to YY. Sorry, I cannot remove password.

WP3 - System design

T3.1 Technical Coordination

T3.2 Aspects of archive interface design

T3.3 VO infrastructure

T3.4 Data Centre collaboration

T3.5 Data mining environments

WP4 - Data Exploitation

T4.2 - Visualization

T4.3 - Data Mining

T4.4 - VO tools and services

WP5 - Validation

T5.1 - Technical coordination

  • Participation to Genius telecon T8 (June 5) - Arenou
  • Participation to Genius telecon T9 (July 3) - Arenou
  • Organisation of T5/WP940 telecon T11 with validation managers (June 18) - Arenou
  • Organisation of T5/WP940 telecon T12 with validation managers (July 10) - Arenou
  • Organisation of 5 telecons with T5.2 - Arenou
  • Organisation, run, and diffusion of the first TGAS preliminary solution (June 26) - Arenou

T5.2 - Definition of problem cases, validation scenarios and tools

T5.3 - Simulation versus reality: from models to observables

T5.4 - Confronting Gaia to external archives

T5.5 - Data demining: outlier analysis

  • Development of summaryStatistics package (June) - Leclerc
  • Integration of Vaex - Breddels

T5.6 - Transversal tools for special objects

WP6 - Support

T6.2-Simulated Catalogue

T6.3-Science Alerts testbed

WP7 - Dissemination

T7.1 - Coordination of dissemination activities

T7.2 - Community portal infrastructure

Once the Editorial Board gave the OK to the portal design, further steps have been done:

  • Gaiaverse's mobile optimization.
  • Mozilla, Chrome and Internet Explorer optimization as to achieve better performance.
  • Introduction of multilingual contents and revision of the previous ones according to the comments submitted by the Editorial Board.
A Gaiaverse's Twitter account has been created, whose objective is to reinforce the portal dissemination around and establish users engagement from the very beginning. This Gaiaverse account will complement the GENIUS project account.

Gaiaverse is planned to be launched in the beginning of July.

T7.3 - Community portal, outreach and academic activities

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf Gilmore.pdf r1 manage 4800.1 K 2015-08-27 - 05:46 YoshiyukiYamada Presentations of CDL summer school.
PDFpdf Mignard.pdf r1 manage 20565.6 K 2015-08-27 - 05:46 YoshiyukiYamada Presentations of CDL summer school.
More topic actions...
Topic revision: r8 - 2015-09-06 - FredericArenou
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