
  1. Emilio J. Alfaro Navarro (IAA-CSIC)
  2. Lola Balaguer-Núñez (IEEC - ICCUB)
  3. Antonio Cabrera Lavers (GRANTECAN-IAC)
  4. Paul Compère (IAC)
  5. Maria Teresa Costado Dios (IAA-CSIC)
  6. Claus Fabricius (IEEC - ICCUB)
  7. Francesca Figueras (UB)
  8. Francisco Garzón (IAC)
  9. Jonay González Hernández (IAC)
  10. Francisco Jiménez-Esteban (CAB. INTA-CSIC)
  11. Carme Jordi (UB)
  12. Xavi Luri (UB)
  13. Jesús Maíz Apellániz (IAA-CSIC)
  14. Eduard Masana (IEEC -ICCUB)
  15. David Montes (UCM)
  16. Antonio Parravano (IESA-CSIC)
  17. Mercè Romero (UB - IEEC)
  18. Laura Maria Sampedro Hernández (IAA-CSIC)
  19. Jordi Torra (UB)
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Topic revision: r9 - 2012-11-27 - LolaBalaguer
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