Difference: TrimesterReportJun2015-Aug2015 (13 vs. 14)

Revision 142015-10-16 - YoshiyukiYamada

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META TOPICPARENT name="ReportingInGenius"

Summary of activities June 2015 - August 2015

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  • Hypki finished a draft document on the project deliverables for WP2 T2.3 "Confronting complex models with complex catalogues - User Requirements Specification"
  • Hypki finished a draft document on the project deliverables for WP2 T2.3 "Confronting complex models with complex catalogues - Technical Specification"
  • Hypki took part in the CU9 plenary meeting in Barcelona, 21-23 September 2015. He verified with other CU9 members the technical feasibility of the proposed advanced requirements specified in the deliverable T2.3
  • YY invited Prof. F. Mignard (OCA) and Prof. G. Gilmore (IoA) to the summer school of distance ladder by using EU-FP7 money. (http://stella.astron.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/CDSchool/) Number of participants are 71, from 19 countries. They are the potential users of Gaia data. FM and GG had lectures. In these lectures, characteristics of Gaia data and its possible science topics are introduced. These lectures are useful for potential users of Gaia data. Audiences understood how and what purpose the astrometric data will be used. JASMINE member have discussion with FM on Nano-JASMINE data analysis. Kye of the Nano-JASMINE data analyis will be the accuracy of attitude reconstruction. In Gaia observations, number of stars on the same focal plane will be large. Attitude will be reconstructed easily. On the other hand in Nano-JASMINE, attitude reconstruction will be hard problem like the case of Hipparcos. Also JASMINE member have discussion with GG on possible collaboration of post-Gaia and Japan astrometry community. Infrared astrometry technique will be the candidate of post-Gaia collaboration with Japan. Viewgraphs of FM and GG will be here. Please ask file read password to YY. Sorry, I cannot remove password.

  • YY invited Prof. F. Mignard (OCA) and Prof. G. Gilmore (IoA) to the summer school of distance ladder by using EU-FP7 money. (http://stella.astron.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/CDSchool/) Number of participants are 71, from 19 countries. They are the potential users of Gaia data. FM and GG had lectures. In these lectures, characteristics of Gaia data and its possible science topics are introduced. These lectures are useful for potential users of Gaia data. Audiences understood how and what purpose the astrometric data will be used. JASMINE member have discussion with FM on Nano-JASMINE data analysis (YY went to Tokyo for organizing/attending the discussion meeting). Kye of the Nano-JASMINE data analyis will be the accuracy of attitude reconstruction. In Gaia observations, number of stars on the same focal plane will be large. Attitude will be reconstructed easily. On the other hand in Nano-JASMINE, attitude reconstruction will be hard problem like the case of Hipparcos. Also JASMINE member have discussion with GG on possible collaboration of post-Gaia and Japan astrometry community. Infrared astrometry technique will be the candidate of post-Gaia collaboration with Japan. Viewgraphs of FM and GG will be here. Please ask file read password to YY. Sorry, I cannot remove password.


WP3 - System design

T3.1 Technical Coordination

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